Dometic Ascension FTX Annexe is a testament to Dometic’s innovative approach to outdoor gear. An optional add-on that effectively redefines space management in camping, this annexe is an indispensable piece for those seeking to maximise their outdoor living area.
Crafted with an aluminium frame, the Dometic Ascension FTX Annexe offers an admirable balance of strength and portability. The robust aluminium ensures the structure remains sturdy even under challenging outdoor conditions. Despite its robust build, the annexe remains impressively lightweight. This considered design approach ensures the annexe is not a burden to transport, providing a convenient solution for campers without sacrificing stability or durability.
One of the standout features of the Dometic Ascension FTX Annexe is its zipped connection system. This design choice results in an easy and rapid setup, ensuring you can establish your extended camping space swiftly. The straightforward assembly process is a practical consideration that saves campers time and frustration, allowing more time for adventure and relaxation in the great outdoors.